Monday, February 8, 2010

Was Feeling Defeated

Well I was feeling defeated last night. You see we are trying hard to save money to adopt a sibling group or more than one child this year. We feel very strongly about this. We pray fervently to God for our family to adopt more children this year. My son has had a horrible cough due to some kind of respiratory virus that has aggravated his asthma. So he needed to go to the ER last night. I was barely down the road and the van overheated. So my husband and daughter came and got us last night. I called my parents and they came and got us to take us. My dh stayed home with our daughter. They ended up admitting our son and we are now here for our 2nd night. So besides having a van with mechanical issues now, we will also have a hospital bill.

So I expressed how defeated I was feeling to my best friend, Cathy. She shared this wonderful Scripture with me to encourage me and remind me of HIS truths. :)

1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have[a] peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Romans 5: 1-5

So we will persevere through this. Our hope is always in Him. I'm peaceful tonight about the financial outlook. Still praying for our son's health. Also our daughter has come down with it too, but since she doesn't have asthma hopefully it won't be near as bad. Lifting our children up before the Lord this evening.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Pattern Giveaway

Don't ya' just love marie-madeline patterns? Well head over to Feminine Farmgirl and enter the Route 66 Skirt Pattern giveaway!

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Few Things I Learned in 2009 (there were many more)

* It's okay to buy a loaf of bread even if you own a Bosch and a grain mill.

*Boxed macaroni and cheese can be your friend on crazy, wild days.

*You can make food an idol.....not just by gluttony, but by thinking you can only eat organic, whole grains, certain meats, etc.

*That I'd rather adopt more children than eat all organic.

*That God wants us to be good stewards with our money no matter what.

*That we have made all kinds of mistakes in the past in regards to money and we should have alot more to show for my husbands hard work & the Lord's blessings than what we do.

*That God forgives us and we move forward with lessons learned.

*That I'd rather spend more time with my children than thinking I have to make everything from scratch.

That's just a few things. Yes, here at Trinity Homestead we'll stay raise our own chickens for meat, raise free range eggs, milk our own goats, and raise a garden. But, yes you may open our pantry door and find cereal, box mac & cheese, cans of cream soups or who knows what else (all gotten on sale of course!). You'll still find us working hard and doing our best to glorify God in all we do though.

One of our priorities this year is to adopt. We are praying to adopt a sibling group or up to 4 children. We always live within our means but saving money for the huge adoption fees stretches you. We'll be praying and looking for all kinds of ways to save money in 2010. And even once we've adopted we hope that those practices will stay in place and we have extra funds to put toward missions, feeding the hungry and paying off our just name a few.